Spiritual Growth #74

We Have The Victory! 

I had a vision many years ago when I was under a terrible spiritual attack in my soul and spirit. In this vision there was a hill with many people around it and they were all looking to the top of the hill. And on the top of the hill was a beautiful white horse with a man seated on the horse. He was holding a sword straight up in the air. Everyone was shouting at the man on the horse; “You have the victory!” His reply was; “No! You have the victory I have given it to you!”

Something happened to me that moment. I knew the victory was mine over Satan and his demons and I have believed that ever since.

At some point in our spiritual journey this truth should become established in our soul and spirit.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ has given you the victory?

Do you believe that God has given us authority over demonic spirits?

Many Christian people live in fear of Satan and these foul spirits. Satan is a liar, he is not victorious. He is a defeated foe and has been for a long time. He is not the Prince of hell he is the lowest inmate there. He is a robber and wants to steal your joy, peace, authority and your victory. He wants your home to be a place of anger and misery. Don’t let him have anything!

Some Christian people spend more time lifting up Satan than they do Jesus. Don’t make that mistake!

Look up and see Jesus on the white horse with His sword lifted high saying to you; “The victory is yours; Satan  has been cast down; you have the authority; believe it and use it!   

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