Spiritual Growth #73

He Sends His Word

This word is the living word. The bible likens it to rain coming down from Heaven, and to seed that is being scattered abroad. The rain falls on the earth to prepare it for the seed to grow and find a fertile spot to multiply.

The bible also tells us that the birds eat up some of the seeds, other seeds fall on poor soil and are unable to grow, and some seed finds good soil and bears fruit. We are the earth; we are the soil; what kind of soil are we?

My friend, Dr. Bruce Morgan whom some of you know, often talked about how we as Christian people should have a positive effect on the people around us even when we were not aware of it because of the spirit of God in us; or just by moving to a new area we would affect that area.

I agree with him to a certain extent. Now I realize it depends on are we good soil or not. Can the word or seed find a fertile spot in us to work from?

The first part of our spiritual journey is God working in us is to prepare the soil for the planting with the intention that His word will find a fertile place in us. We will go forth into the world with His word and His anointing bearing much fruit. Then we will have an affect, on the people, and the world around usĀ 

I just had a talk with my friend Judy Doctor. We were talking about the anointing of the Spirit. Does it come and go or do we have it all the time? I believe the anointing is there all the time. It is not always apparent because we are not always in the Kingdom or in touch with the Holy Spirit. I have noticed this with speakers. The same speaker can be greatly anointed with one talk and totally out of it the next talk. One talk, he is right in touch with the Holy Spirit and the next he is relying totally on himself. Has he lost the anointing? No he just lost touch with it.

It seems like some days we are good soil, the next day a bunch of stones.

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