Spiritual Growth #39

Increasing Faith!

Keep in mind on your spiritual journer that we all see very dimly and we must keep seeking and asking.  As soon as we stop seeking and asking our spiritual growth stops.  I like to think of our spiritual a river of life.  We learn to flow with this flow of life day by day.  At times the river is very quiet and still, very restful and healing.  Other times, it becomes very turbulent and violent, there are rapids and stones.  But remember nothing stops the river.  If we get out of the river we stop moving.

 Many years ago we were out in Wisconsin and we got a call from our daughter Jeannie. She had just received a personal revelation. She said I now see that I have to start using my own faith instead of relying on yours all the time. If we want spiritual growth, we must use our faith and not rely on other people’s faith. As we travel this river of life our faith will be tested time and time again. Each test of our faith causes it to increase so we are able to have faith for more.

We are not only to use our faith, we are to stir up faith in others. People have come to me and said; “I have lost my faith!” I don’t know if you can lose your faith or not.  I know we can lose touch with our faith; we can stir up faith in others and we can instill faith in other people. One of the marks of a Christian flowing with life is we are constantly stirring up or spreading abroad , faith , hope and love. If we are doing this we are always growing spiritually and bearing good fruit. 

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