Spiritual Growth #34

Becoming Active Spiritually

Now we ?have received, not the spirit of ?the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.

In order for spiritual growth to occur, we must become active in spiritual things. In the scripture above, we are to combine spiritual thoughts with spiritual words; speaking is action. We are to listen spiritually to the thoughts coming from God and do what He tells us to do. This may be more then just speaking. We may be required to do something; to be His hands and feet as well as His voice. The Lord is not requiring most of us to go to Africa or China. For the most part He is asking us to speak to one person, to reach out and touch one life.

This happened a while back; I saw a woman that was having a difficult time in church. The Holy Spirit put the thought in my mind I was to pray for her. After the service, I asked her if I could pray for her and she said yes. I asked her name and I prayed for her for healing. A couple of days went by and again the Holy Spirit told me to get acquainted with her husband. I saw him on the street and I spoke to him and asked his name and he told me. He told me the family was having some serious health problems and they were leaving in a few days. I mentioned that we were praying for his family and he thanked me. The next morning when I woke up the Holy Spirit put the thought in my mind to give him my book Out of Confusion; to sign the book for him and his wife and to write; “Expect a miracle”.

I know that some wonderful things are going to happen in this family. I don’t have to do the miracle. God will, all I had to do was listen, speak, and do. The rest is up to God. I will continue to pray for this family as long as they are in my thoughts and heart.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are very much a part of this type of ministry; the word of knowledge of what to do; the wisdom of how to do it; the discernment to recognize the thoughts that come from God. As we use these wonderful gifts, we bring into the world the power and authority of God and miracles and healing happens.

Anybody could have done these things and become a blessing. This should become a natural part of our spiritual journey. 

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