Spiritual Growth #33

Beware Slavery

Jesus came to set the captives free; we were all slaves to sin and through Jesus we are no longer slaves. Or are we?  The question is, are we still slaves even though Jesus set us free and what are we slaves to?

We came into this world as sinners, not that a little baby can sin but it will not be to long before they do. We were in bondage to sin or slaves to sin; we try hard not to sin and we still do. Why is it that we don’t like ourselves; it is because of our sin, our failing’s and our shortcomings?  We hurt one another in our speech and actions; we are slaves to our bodies, souls or emotions and our natural minds. Jesus came to set the captives free so that we could become spiritual men and women and not be slaves to our natural man but rise above it.

I have noticed an interesting thing with many Christian people.  Because they have a desire to be good our enemy Satan uses this to bring them into the bondage of religion. Satan does not care how religious you are as long as he can keep you from being spiritual and being led by the Holy Spirit. He used this religious method to defeat Christians from the beginning of the church. Do you know that Satan is in the clothing business? He is in the business of making religious suits and dresses. He gives them away free to you and me. When ever we go to church, we put on our religious clothing and we are different people. We speak different. We act different! As soon as we are out of church we take our religious clothes off and carefully put them away till next time they are needed.

Religious slavery is very subtle but it is slavery just the same. There is a religious spirit in this world and it has enslaved many millions of people including Christians and it wants to enslave you. This religious spirit is an enemy of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and it wants to enslave you and rob you of your spirituality. This religious spirit has attached itself to every religion in the world. This religious spirit is not interested in you becoming spiritual! It wants to rob you of spiritual life and leave you simply religious. You are the one who has to be on guard that it does not rob you. 

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