Archive for December, 2010

A Wonderful Mind

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

To all my Dear Children and Grandchildren, 

I felt this was a good time to write to you and speak about a wonderful gift that God has given us. A mind that can reason, think and learn.  And to my loss, I neglected using it to its fullest.  I expect that I still fall far short of using it full capabilities.

In the bible in Hosea 4:6 it reads; my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,

In Isaiah 5:13 it reads; Therefore my people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; and their honorable men are famished; and their multitude is parched with thirst

My dear children; I pray that you will use your gift; your learning and reasoning to the fullest, and that you will increase in wisdom and knowledge

I want to you know; there are two different types of wisdom and knowledge.

One is the wisdom and knowledge of man and the world.  The other is the wisdom and knowledge from God.

Our nation is in great distress at this time because there are many others like me that thought they had great knowledge but only had the knowledge of the world. I think that all of you know about the Garden of Eden; there were two trees, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve could have eaten from the tree of life instead they were deceived into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Today we still have to make the same decision.  Which tree am I going to eat from?

The tree of life is the wisdom and knowledge from God. One of the names of Jesus is the Wisdom of God. Two of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom and knowledge.

Don’t think that I am trying to convert you to some religion, I am not. I don’t care what church you go to or if you don’t go.  That is your decision to make. I am speaking about this wonderful mind that God has given us, and how we can use it to the fullest with the wisdom and knowledge of God available to us. Then we can make proper decision and not be taken in by the wisdom and knowledge of the world that is destructive and brings us into bondage and robs us of our freedom.

My dear family, I am amazed at some of the decisions that people make that are going to affect their lives deeply for years to come.  I think, “Are they crazy; why are they making such a decision?”  Now I know why they are making such decisions, it is the way of the world. It is the wisdom and knowledge of the world and as a result we suffer loss and go into bondage.

My dear loved ones, I pray that God will add to that wonderful mind that He has given you.  That He will fill it with Godly wisdom and knowledge and that you will have peace and prosper and be free.

Merry Christmas a great New Year. 

I think of you every day.


Spiritual Growth #26

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

There are many things that can cause us to stumble and come to a stand still in our spiritual journey. The one that I want to look at in this session is very subtle and it can happen without us really being aware of it. Matthew speaks of it in Chapter 7:1 Do not judge lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.

I don’t have all the answers but I do have some questions. When we judge people around does it affect us and our relationships?

What about when we judge ourselves, does it affect us and in what ways?

In Luke 6:37 And do not judge and you will not be judged; and do not condemn and you will not be condemned; pardon and you will be pardoned.

It seems to be so easy to become the judge. Once we judge, we condemn either ourselves or someone else. Once we have condemned ourselves, we have to punish ourselves or the other person we have judged. Condemnation and punishment all go hand in hand.

I feel that in many of our homes, where we are having problems in our relationships, that judgment, condemnation and punishment is happening.  And we are really not aware that that is what the real problem is.

I remember an incident where a person was speaking about another member of the family and making it very clear that this person did not have the Lord. I was very aware that this person did have the Lord. I spoke up and said that is not the truth, this person knows the Lord. That person lit up like a Christmas tree. The first person had passed judgment and it was wrong and was affecting the family relationship. This is happening in so many Christian families.

Are you passing judgment in your family? Nothing spiritual about that!

When I become judge I cut myself of from God, I lose my peace and joy, and revert back to the natural mind.  I am not to pass judgment on myself or on others, we are to leave judgment up to God. God is the only one that can make a right judgment, our judgments are wrong.

Spiritual Growth #25

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Defense Or Defenseless! 

When I awoke this morning, the Holy Spirit was telling me it was time to do another spiritual growth message. I have learned that a very important part of spiritual growth is being obedient. When the Lord tells you to do something; you don’t say; “I can’t do that”, you say, “When, and how?”

When we were in England a few years ago we saw many castles, some were intact, and some were utterly destroyed. What were these great castles built for? They were built to live in, but more important for protection. We all seem to have a desire to be safe. I think for the most part it is kind of automatic, if you see a car coming at you, you get out of the road without giving it a lot of thought. You start to climb something and start to feel insecure and you back off. Many times we will do something with a group that we would never attempt alone.   

When I was looking at those castles they kind of reminded me of prisons. Back in that time it was a lot like today; a lot of wars. If you were in one of those castles and it was under siege it was like you were in a prison. In the prison system they have discovered that a long term prisoner may not want to leave the system. Why? It has become his castle, his protection from the world.

We want some protection. We want some defenses.  Now we have begun a spiritual journey, do we need protection there? Certainly we do! Is a castle or a prison going to protect us there? No! Our enemy; Satan, the principalities and powers of darkness can enter any castle or prison with no problem.

I shared all this to ask a question. What is your castle? What is your prison? What are you trying to protect yourself from? At a certain time in our spiritual journey we must come out of our castles and our prison’s. If we don’t, our spiritual journey comes to a stand still.

You might reply; “I am a free person!” unaware that you are in prison and behind castle walls in many areas of your life. I ask the question; Are you often defensive?  Are you always trying to prove you are right?  Do you always feel you are under attack? Maybe you are in a castle. Are you afraid to step out? Maybe you are in a prison.

The Lord has blessed us with the protection we need. “Put on the full armor of God that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). Read Ephesians and see what the armor is. We don’t need a castle to protect us and we don’t need a prison with guards. We can boldly go out into the world and into the spiritual realm in the armor of God and not be afraid.