Archive for August, 2013

Spiritual Growth #85

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Kingdom Within

We all go through various trials which might be better labeled spiritual warfare. Most of these wars are right within us, they take place in our mind and emotions, and we lose our peace, joy.

We lose these valuable things because we have allowed ourselves to be drawn outside the Kingdom of God, by these spiritual battles going on within us, and around us, in the world, in our homes and even in our churches.  We then try to regain the peace and joy but we don’t look in the right place for it. If we want to regain our peace and joy we must reenter the Kingdom of God. Paul describes the kingdom of God in us as peace, joy, righteousness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit; it is internal not external.

John 17:21 “Nor will they say, “Look here it is’ or ‘There it is! For behold the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Meaning within you.)

It must be quite obvious to all of us that we are not always in the kingdom of God, even though the kingdom of God is in us. Sometime along in our spiritual journey we should begin to recognize immediately when we have left the kingdom of God and quickly make an effort to enter back in.

We must learn to control our thought life, if we do not, confusion and worry will rob you of all peace and joy.

We must also control our emotions and not allow fear, hatred or bitterness to gain a stronghold there.

As soon as you realize any of these things are at work in you turn quickly to the Lord. Recognize that you have lost touch with the kingdom of God in you. You can know this has happened to you because the peace and joy are gone from your life.

Direct your attention to the innermost part of your being where the streams of living water are. Get out of your mind and emotions and center in on God’s presence in you and you will find the peace and joy are still there.

I think everyone of us have had special moments where we have been so blessed by Gods presence; go back to that memory that special place and you will be able to go right back in the kingdom of God that is in you once again

We are body, soul and spirit; if you allow the body to control you have a big problem. If you allow the soul to control you still have a big problem. The spiritual person looks to their spirit, which is  the highest and deepest part of their being to direct their life.

Spiritual Growth #84

Sunday, August 11th, 2013


I was sitting in church this morning with a wonderful feeling of peace with God and with myself. I was thinking it has not always been like this. The Lord spoke through my thoughts and said; “the reason you now have peace here is because you have stopped throwing stones at the church

The Lord then brought to mind what He had said when they were going to stone the woman caught in adultery. “You without sin cast the first stone.” They all dropped their stones and walked away.

We have a big problem in our country right now; we all stand with our hands full of stones. We are all throwing them right and left.

The church is not perfect. It has made a lot of mistakes. So has the government, so have you. There is not a perfect church out there, they have all sinned.

Jesus said in Mark 7:15 There is nothing outside the man which going into him can defile him; But the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man.

I remember as a child growing up I helped dad pick stones in the field. Every time the ground was plowed and harrowed there were more stones. Big stones and little stones, we would then make a stone wall with them. We did not throw them at one another!

Then I grew up and had all the answers and I started throwing stones, in my family, in the church and everywhere I went. I was good at finding just the right stone to throw. Now, I don’t have all the answers, I am sick of picking up stones and throwing them. I just want to press on and upward to the high calling in Christ Jesus

How blessed is the person who has dropped all their stones; they will find peace!

It seems that in our human nature we get some kind of satisfaction throwing stones, but as Christ is formed in us we lose that satisfaction. Maybe we will keep throwing stone until Christ is formed in us. That may be the measure of how much He has changed us. Jesus was not a stone thrower.

I expect we will always have folks ready to stone us for one reason or another. The interesting thing is when we have dropped all our stones; the stones thrown at us don’t touch us anymore.

Spiritual Growth #83

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Pressed Down And Overflowing

I expect many Christians feel they do not have a lot to offer: they feel they are not gifted or talented in the way others are. They know the Lord is with them: they are gifted with the Holy Spirit, yet something seems to be missing. Their Christian experience is not as rich or full as it should be.

 I want to tell you that you have enough. If you have Jesus and the Holy Spirit you are not lacking.           . You have everything you need to be a blessing. Remember the five thousand that were fed from five loafs of bread and two fishes; maybe you have only one loaf of bread and one fish I wonder how many people that will feed if you allow God to use it.

This little message is my one loaf of bread: many may not even bother to read it, but I am giving it just the same because I believe God will multiply it and feed many. It will be sent to people I will never know. It will go out into the world and feed some in other lands, and God will cause this little message to be pressed down and overflowing.

I believe that every day the Lord gives all of us opportunities to share our loaf of bread and fish. Are you taking advantage of these opportunities? Are you even aware of them? For most of us it will not be five thousand, it may be one person, someone right in our household; maybe a friend or neighbor. Our loaf of bread and one fish can feed them.

Lord open our eyes and ears that we will not be like the scribes and Pharisees, or like the two that passed the wounded man on the road because we feel we have nothing to offer.  We all have something to offer.

As fast as you give away your loaf and fish God will replace it pressed down and overflowing  

Spiritual Growth #82

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Question Everything

This message is in response to a letter I received asking several questions regarding the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and the church.

The church does not have all the answers; some think it does, but it doesn’t. The purpose of the church is not to answer all our questions. The purpose of the church is to point us to Jesus; and an opportunity to worship with other believers. Sometimes the church tries to take the place of Jesus, and tries to be our savior, doing so, it becomes a stumbling stone in our spiritual journey.

You do not have to know the bible end to end; nor do all my doctrines and theology have to be perfect, to have a wonderful relationship with Jesus. You do have to respond to the message of the bible which is very clear in John 5:39-40

You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; and you are unwilling to Me; that you may have life.

I went to God and said; “If you are there and for real, I need you!”  He came!

The Jews were in bondage to the Law and religion. Many church people today are in that same condition. Have you been brought into bondage by laws, rules and regulations of the church? Is the church dictating what you can do or not do? The church was never called to be a dictator or law maker; it was called to lift up Jesus Christ and glorify God.

Beware of the trap that some churches use to control you, a set of rules and regulations that seem like holiness but are not, that only lead to self-righteousness and a false sense of holiness.

The other trap is fear. If you leave this church or group, you are going to hell, and you are cut off from God.  Beware, for there are churches that use this method to try and control you.  Jesus came to set me us free from that kind of mans religious control; refuse to submit to it.

The church is not the perfect teacher or guide, the Holy Spirit is. He has done a wonderful job of it. The law, and the church institution, is my custodian until I meet Jesus.

Read John 14:16-17 and 25-26; also John: 15:26-27; also John: 16:12-13.

There is one God and He is comprised of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit: Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveals to us a loving Father in heaven. As a result, I have a wonderful relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I hope and pray this helps you.

Spiritual Growth #81

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

A Problem with Boxes

Many years ago I had a vision; I saw a large area and there were many boxes. I wondered what was in the boxes. Suddenly a hand came down from above and broke open one of the boxes. To my amazement a person was in the box. This person rushed around and put the box back together and got right back inside of it. The hand came down again and grabbed another box; the same thing happened. A person was in the boxand as soon as he could, he put the box back together and got back inside.

I said, “Lord what does this mean?” The Lord spoke and said, “They refuse to come out of their boxes.”

We have always had a problem with boxes; we want a box to live in and we want everyone else to have a box as well. Jesus Christ did not have a box and refused to be put in one, so they killed Him and put Him in a tomb. But even death and a tomb could not hold Him. Jesus Christ was not only a natural man, He was a spiritual man and He functioned as a spiritual man because the box could not hold Him. When you and I function as spiritual men, the box cannot hold us, either.

Paul was dealing with the same issue in the early church with the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Paul wrote: And I brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as men of flesh, as to babes in Christ.

I gave you milk to drink, not sold food; for you were not yet able receive it, even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?

For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos are you not mere men? 

We like to be labeled; the label is part of our box, and our box is a part of our defense system. It defines who we are and what our values are. My dad was a Catholic; I don’t believe he knew very much about Catholicism. Although he was a Democrat, his thinking was not liberal but very conservative; he actually thought more like a Republican.

I grew up as a Catholic; I still go to the Catholic Church and enjoy going, but I also go to other churches and enjoy them. I now find it hard to say I am a Catholic, Baptist or Pentecostal. Not that I am ashamed of my background; I am not. It is just that I have come out of my box and I am more than I used to be. This would make some folks uncomfortable and think I am a traitor. I am not. I have just increased and become more than what I was. The boxes are too small to hold me.

I used to think I was Republican because I was conservative; now I think differently, because in some areas I am liberal. I can no longer label myself Democrat or Republican; it is another box. They both have some good ideas and some bad ideas.

These boxes have bound up our country so much that nothing can get accomplished. I just prefer to be an American citizen. I just prefer to be a child of God. Labels have divided the church from the time of Paul and it is dividing our nation now.

I ask you a question: “Are you of Paul or Apollos?” Or have you come out of your box yet? If not, I encourage you to learn of Jesus, get filled with the Holy Spirit, become a spiritual person, and break out of your box. Then refuse to be boxed in again.

Spiritual Growth #80

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

I like to see new things, understand new things, for years I have prayed for wisdom. Years ago as I was reading the scriptures I read where God blessed King David because he prayed for wisdom instead of riches. I have prayed for wisdom most every day since, mainly because I realized I was sadly lacking in that commodity and I wanted to be a blessing to my family and the people that God brought into our lives.

I have discovered there are certain things that seem to go together; for instance; angry people seem to be judgmental, and people that are judgmental are usually angry about something. Love and forgiveness are also like that; if you love, you forgive; if you forgive you love. 

Something I just saw clearly a few days ago, wisdom and peace go hand in hand; if you are at peace you are wise, if you are wise you are at peace. Many years ago I was a very troubled man, my life was falling apart, I went into a church and fell on my face before the altar and wept. God’s peace came down on me and healed me. I have never been the same and God’s peace has never left me. Pauline and I have had been through our share of problems like most people. Even now Pauline, like many women is going through a cancer problem, but in spite of it, Pauline and I are at peace; just as we have been through many other trials. We are at peace with God and man. A scripture reading from Proverbs 3: 13-18 speaks of this blessing.


How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.

For its profit is better than the profit of silver, and its gain than fine gold.

She is more precious than jewels; and nothing you desire compare with her.

Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.

Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.

She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,

and happy are all who hold her fast.


One thing I have learned to keep in mind; there are two wisdoms; the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world.  All to often I have relied on the wisdom of the world instead of the wisdom of God and by doing so I have made some serious blunders in my spiritual journey.

Even though we have the wisdom of God at our disposal doesn’t mean we use it. Many Christian churches, individuals’ and ministries have lost touch with God’s wisdom and are not even aware of it; what a loss. Are you in touch with God’s wisdom and thereby enjoy his peace and joy?

Spiritual Growth #79

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Another question: Do you have a sword?  What do you use the sword for?

The bible refers to the sword in many ways; in Ephesians 6; 11-17 it is a part of the armor that God gives us to protect us. The sword is the word of God.

In Hebrews 4:12, the word of God is like to a two edged sword; a two edged sword is a very dangerous weapon.

Another reference to the sword is in Psalms 57:4, this time it is not speaking of Gods word; it is speaking of men and their tongue being a sharp sword.

In Revelations 2:16 Jesus speaking to the church of Pergamum says “the sword of my mouth”.

Even as God’s word is like to a two edged sword; the words we speak are also two edged swords. If you are moving upward in your spiritual journey, your words should be changing. We should be ministering word of life out of our mouths, not words of death. When God gave man language and speech, He placed a two edged sword in our mouth. We all have one; how well are you using it?

Be slow to speak; consider how my words are going to affect my spouse, my children, and the people I work and play with. Have I learned to use my sword well? I remember in the past when I had serious problem with cursing and I thank God He made some big changes in my language. You may not have that kind of problem; your language may be very pure but you may be killing more people then I did with my cursing.

I have met some people that kill with God’s word, the Holy Scriptures. The reason this happens is that they don’t seem to know the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.

We find then that we have two swords to deal with; Gods words and our words; not only can our words hurt and kill, but even God’s words if not used properly can injure as well. We all have a responsibility to use the two swords with care.

Spiritual Growth #78

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

I have a question for all of you that read this message; is the Lord Jesus with you?

We all have our share of difficulties; Pauline and I had our share of problems in our marriage and with our children. We still have little differences in these areas and I expect most of you do as well.

Another area that has been difficult at times in our life was in the area of finances. One of the main reasons for some of this was because I was not a good steward and I went into debt buying things I could not afford and didn’t even need.

Like many of you I had my share of problems and disappointments with the church and the church leaders and how they abused their positions and I realized I abused my position as well in the church and in the home.  

Pauline and I have had some problems with sickness through the years and like you we have had to work our way through the pain and suffering that entails.

Back to the main question; was the Lord Jesus with us?

Yes, He was with us all the way. He resurrected our marriage, and continued dealing with us day after day. He watched over our children every day and let them go through whatever they needed to learn, and He is still doing that. In my finances He was there all the time and He could have done a miracle but He taught me instead even though it felt like a mountain on my back for several years; I made it because He was with me.

The church thing, He was in that too!  He showed me we are all human and make bad mistakes, and that I was self-righteous and judgmental but He never left me.

There were times when I would question; ‘Lord; where are you?

At the present time Pauline is going through her cancer treatments; a miracle would be nice, but it seems we have to walk this through, but we are not alone.  Jesus is with us just like he has been for many years, He will never leave us or forsake us..

Is the Lord with you? I am sure He is, no matter what your situation. He will never leave you or forsake you!