Expecting Good Things (Jan. 28, 2010)

My dear children,

I want you to do your best today. If you don’t do your best at whatever you are doing you are failing yourself.

You might be the last person to the finish line in a race but if you did the best you could you are still a winner. It is when we don’t do our best in any situation that we are the loser. I don’t understand this but I know it is true, if we don’t do our best at something it affects us in a negative way, we don’t feel good about our self, and it robs us of something important, it affects our thinking and our emotions.

It is very important that you are healthy in your mind and emotions, it seems like it takes very little to upset us, someone says the wrong thing or does the wrong thing and we go nuts that quickly.

There is and old saying; “Misery loves company”! Not everyone wants you to be happy; there may be someone in your home or work that is miserable and wants you to be miserable too. These people will say things and do things to offend you; don’t allow this to happen.

Dear children don’t allow yourself to be easily offended; let this attitude be in you; I am not going to be robbed by some miserable, unhappy person that can’t stand themselves

Sometimes there is something right inside of us in the form of thoughts and emotions that try to bring us down. It is very important that you come to recognize that kind of attack as well.

Look around you; see the people; some lead a victorious life and others live in defeat. Which one do you want to be? It is up to you! You are the one that chooses one life or the other, most of us seem to alternate between the two.

Stop making excuses and blaming other people for your misery, you are the one that is totally in charge of your thoughts and emotions, or you should be. If you are unhappy or miserable look to your thoughts and emotions and do something about it. It is called growing up and being responsible for your thoughts and emotional condition.

My dear children I expect to hear good things from your family and friends and the folks you work for. I expect to hear what a positive affect you have on the people around you and on the job.

I pray a fathers blessing upon you of peace, joy and good health.

Pauline and I are doing well and the Lord keeps telling us our work is not done yet; keep us in your prayers.

Hope to see you all soon somewhere,

Your loving Dad

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