Wealth #95

What do you think of when you think of wealth? It seems that in the United States it means money; which in turn means I am a success if I have a lot of it.
The truth is we can be wealthy and not have very much money. I had a wonderful moment the other day; a thought came to me from the Holy Spirit,”You are wealthy!”
I thought on this for awhile and finally said to myself, “Yes I am a very wealthy man!”
I never realized before just how wealthy I was. Pauline and I have a little savings as well as some stock and bonds from the sale of our house several years ago. Most people would not consider us wealthy.
In Florida we live in a trailer park in a mobile home; in Vermont we also live in a trailer park in a mobile home. I suppose some folks would consider us trailer trash. You know what? We love it; we are wealthy!
I am eighty three; for several days I have been working outside digging up the lawn to prepare for a cement pad to park my car on. It is hot sweaty work. One of my neighbors came by yesterday and stopped to talk with me. He said, “Why don’t you hire someone to do that digging?” My response was, “I want to do it. I need the exercise at my age.” This is part of my wealth; I enjoy doing it.
I have a wonderful wife and she is a great cook. Much of our family is also living nearby; this is all part of the wealth that is mine. I have many friends all over the country and they are very dear to us. I am a very wealthy man!
My greatest wealth is a very close walk with my Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Add to that the peace, love, and joy the Lord has put in my heart and I can give it all away and never run out of it. What more do I need? I am a wealthy man!

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