Do What Is Right! (11-23-09)

My Dearly beloved children,

I want to encourage you to do what is right  It seems like in so many situations we must decide what is right and what is wrong. This involves our speech and our actions. It is so easy to get caught up with what is going on around us. We may be just standing around talking and we know that the conversation is not very good but we hang around anyway and even become involved with it.

We might be in a situation where action is involved, we don’t like it but we stay anyway. In both these situations we must decide what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes it takes courage to do what is right, to speak up and say, “This is not a good conversation!” or to say, “This is a bad thing to do!”

My Dear children not all of our friends are good for us. If you have friends that our not good for you find new ones! If their speech is bad and their actions are bad; you do not need them in your life.

May God give you the wisdom and the knowledge to know the difference between good and evil.

I have a little prayer that I pray often. Lord give me, the wisdom, knowledge and discernment that I can make the right decision not the wrong one.

I hope that when people speak of you they will be able to say, “There is a person that knows how to makes right decisions.

God bless you my dear children you are in my prayers every day,

You’re loving Dad

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