I Will Meet You There (4/7/09)

My Dear Children,

I usually try to share a little of my past in these letters. This one is a little different, a little of my past hopefully some of my future and your future.

This is something that happened about four years ago here in Florida concerning my next door neighbor. He was a gentle, friendly man that lived by himself, his wife had died and he had family up north. I met some of His family and they were Christian people.

He became very sick and was taken to the hospital and we went to see him and pray for him a couple of times. One Sunday, when I was in church, the Holy Spirit told me I needed to go and see him again, that he was very close to death. That afternoon I went back to the hospital to see him. He told me, I will never leave this hospital, and I knew it was the truth. I asked him if he had ever asked Jesus into his life to be his Savior? He told me he had not done that. I thought to myself how can I reach this man?

I told him that I had met his family and I knew they were all Christians. I said to him; “I know you really love your family don’t you?” He said; “yes!”   “Don’t you want to see them again?” He said: “Yes!” I said; “Then ask Jesus into your heart and you will see all your family again”. He started weeping and asked Jesus into his life and he was filled with peace and joy and he died that same day. I was able to share with his children  later and they were so filled with joy.

My dear children you may wonder why I shared this little part of my life with you. I am not ready to die and I don’t expect you to either. I heard a song three or four years ago, the title was; “I will meet you there”.

One day I expect to leave here and go see all my loved ones from the past, my Mom and my Dad and many other family members and a lot of past friends and this man I was speaking about. I want you to meet me there as well.

Jesus said: “I am the way the truth and the life, no man come to my Father but by Me.” This is the way that I have chosen. I am convinced it is the right way to eternal life with God.

My dear children, I want you all to come and join me when you leave this earthly body. That is where I shall be and I will meet you there!

I think of all of you and pray for often.

May god bless you with a life of Peace and Joy!

Your loving Dad     

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