He Is Not Far Away!

My Dear Children,

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and pray for you. I also try to be very discerning of the spiritual realm and how these spiritual being are trying to take advantage of you to mislead and confuse you. I think it is very wise for all parents to be and on guard and praying for their children. I hope and pray that you will remember to do so when you have a family.

We are living in a very perilous time.  If you pay attention to the news and to what is going on right around your community it may not be the safe place it once was. Our homes, workplaces, schools and even our churches are not the safe havens they once were.

Train yourself to be always alert to what is going on around you.  Don’t go around in a fog relying on others to watch out for you.  Have active minds, think of what you would do if some of the daily events happened to you. How would you respond to various situations?  You can be sure some difficult things will occur in your life at some point, and then you will be very glad to be ready for such a situation.

My dear children we are not to live in fear of every shadow, just be aware of what is in the shadows.  Be honest and truthful in all your dealings to the best of your ability.  Don’t get caught up in living a lie and cheating, this robs you of a peaceful mind and heart.  Once you start a lie it seems we have to lie again to cover the first lie.  It takes on a life of it own, then it begins to control you.

Dear children do not be to hard on yourself when you fail.  The world and other folks around you will be hard enough on you.  We all fail now and then!   What is important is that we get up and go on again. Know that you are going to disappoint family and friends. They will also disappoint you. Don’t be distressed by it, time heals a lot of things.

Life can be hard sometimes and relationships can leave deep wounds.  Remember that old things pass away and new things replace them. The heart has a wonderful way of healing and life goes on.

My loved one I encourage you to look for Jesus, He is not far away.  The Holy Spirit is always ready to help you in every situation. They may not seem very important to you right now but there will come a time when they will be your only help.

I know I am a foolish old man.  I also know this, my Father in heaven has made my life so fruitful and he has kept His eye on me all these many years.  He also has His eye on you and is making your life fruitful as well.

May God bless you and keep you!

All my Love and prayers,

Your Dad


I was about ready to send this and I had second thoughts.

You need to know there are some around you that have no faith in God or the Lord Jesus Christ and would like to rob you of yours. Thinking they know everything they know nothing, are blind and shortsighted. These people are going to be greatly surprised when they take their last breath and leave their body and find themselves still alive confronting a spiritual realm of which they know nothing. Even Satan believes in God and fears Him.

Dear children I want you to know that God is very much alive.  He is very aware of you and wants to bless and give you a good life. You can choose to walk with Him or not.  That is up to you! He does not force anyone to follow Him. But know this; He knows where He is going, where most of us don’t have the foggiest idea.

Know this; there is life after you leave this mortal body whether you like it or not.

You cannot escape it. You are better off to be prepared for it!

May you see, hear and understand; death is only a shadow.

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