Spiritual Growth #76

Truth or Lie!

Truth is one of the very important things necessary for spiritual growth.  Every new truth you see and embrace increases your spiritual growth.  No truth, no increase. Many people think, or have been told or taught; “Let your conscience be your guide!” I tell you, you cannot always trust your conscience. When Adam and Eve fell, they fell all the way. Sin had a bad affect on the whole man, including our consciences. When man turns to God and has a conversion, or born again experience, restoration begins. God gives us a new heart. He restores the soul and spirit. Our conscience is a part of our soul and needs restoring.As new truth enters, it destroys the lies that have been a part of our lives. Our spiritual growth is increased, and our conscience is changed and is better able to discern good and evil.

How many times have you heard someone say, “Well it must be ok, my conscience didn’t bother me”!  The reason the conscience didn’t bother them was because it was seared, weak or an evil conscience.

As children grow up, the folks around them are constantly having an effect on the conscience of the child. Hopefully it is a good effect, but this is not always the case.

Truth is not always easy to receive. It is easier to believe the lie than to bear the burden of truth. How difficult it is to receive truth when we have been taught lies from our family and church. These lies or errors have become strongholds in our lives and convinced us they are truth.  Every family and church seems to have their share of these strongholds and they are like holy ground.  If you dare to speak out against these errors they will try to kill you. It is these perpetual lies that keep us as individuals and the church body from reaching the spiritual level and fruitfulness that God would have us attain.

Remember Satan is the father of lies, and he keeps people in bondage through lies.  Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the bringer of truth and the truth sets you free, no matter how painful it may be. We all seem to have our golden calves.  A golden calf is what the Israelites turned to in the desert. They worshiped the golden calf instead of God.  If we have anything we look up to in place of God it needs to be destroyed.

It is truth that brings these things down and set us free from them. We need to see these things for what they are in our minds, in our homes and in our churches, and not be bound by them anymore.

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