Spiritual Growth #71

Invest and Returns 

There is a parable where Jesus speaks concerning the talents in Matthew 25;14-30. You might be interested in looking it up and reading it.

God has given all of us various talents and abilities. We don’t all have the same ones, but I think they are all important. From the meaning in this parable, the Lord expects us to do something with these talents. God has given them to us so that we might have something to invest so we can get a return.

Do you know what talents and abilities God has given you? If you don’t know ask your friends. They might be able to tell you. If not, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what talents you have and how to use them to the fullest extent.

Some folks know what their talents are and they use them. The only problem is they are not wise investors and they don’t get any returns. They invest their talents in the wrong places and things.

Another thing I noticed, the talents were given according to abilities. You weren’t given more talents then what you had abilities to invest, but then when you made good investments the talents were increased.  The Lord wants every one of us to increase, not to decrease. The talents are not just money to invest; they are life giving talents; they are to invest in others and the return is to us. 

These talents are spiritual and when we use them and invest them in others it causes spiritual growth in us. When they are not used, there is no spiritual growth and we are in danger of these talents being passed on to someone else that will use them.

There are some in the body of Christ, the church, that always wants to receive but never think about giving. They are like sand traps that soak up all the life and never give any in return. Beware of them and find a better investment!

One of the things I have noticed, if we use the talents we have, even though we think we don’t have very many, they increase and we have more.

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