Spiritual Growth #50

We all come under spiritual attack; sometimes when we lest expect it. These attacks come in several different ways. They can be very subtle, we don’t always recognize it as an attack right away. The attack can be in our physical body, our mind, emotions or our spirit.

The Lord has given us everything we need to protect ourselves in these attacks. Our faith must be stirred up and actively applied in each attack. We are to set our mind on the things above not the things below; meaning we are to think positive and not negative. We must remember that old things are passed away and all things are new!  We are a new creation; our sin issues have been taken to the cross, no condemnation now.

Many times the attack will come in the form of thoughts tormenting your mind over and over again like a broken record. Go into prayer; pray in the spirit with all your mind and heart. Use the gift of tongues; that gift is to edify you, it will if you use it.

Another way to defeat the enemy; just praise God for everything you can think of including your problems. Do it with all your heart and spirit. Lift up your voice in song, praising God. And as you do something wonderful happens, the victory becomes yours, your mind, emotions and spirit are lifted up. You are brought right into the Kingdom of God within you and your peace and joy are restored and the Holy Spirit  fills you.

You already have everything you need to do this, the rest is up to you!

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