Be Wise – Think For Yourself

My Dear Children,

It is so easy to think ill of ourselves and not be aware of how gifted and talented we are. Do not be quick to put yourself down, others will take care to do that. I often think of what a tough hide people must have that are running for office. I don’t envy them at all. We live in an interesting and challenging time, a time of great change in the world and in our country.

We have many people in the media and politics that are expert at manipulating your thinking. Don’t allow them to have their way with your mind or emotions. I knew a man that was in a responsible position and people would come to him and tell him you need to do this and you need to do that. Another person would come to him and tell him just the opposite. This man would listen to what they had to say and agree with them; “yes this is a need to be taken care of”. He didn’t get angry or argue with them, he just listened. These folks would go away happy. They had told this man what to do! He would then consider what these folks said, then would decide what he thought was best and that is what he would do. He was a wise man and had a lot of friends!

I knew another man, he was a pastor. There were some in his church that wanted change, others wanted everything to stay the same. Sunday morning he would have a very orderly service with songs from the old songbook. This made some people very happy. In the evening he would have a very different service with the new music and a very open pulpit. People could share and testify. This too made some other people very happy. Both of these men were wise and did some thinking for themselves for the benefit of all.

I know there are times we need to make a stand one way or another! But many times that is not the case. It is better to keep an open mind knowing there is a better way than taking sides.

Dear children, even in difficult times there are opportunities. Jobs are not so plentiful but there are jobs if we can be flexible and ask for the Lord to guide and direct our footsteps. Help from our government is fine. I don’t think government was ever intended to meet all our needs. Government cannot do everything for us, a lot of things we need to do for ourselves.

My dear loved ones, I encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus and you will not be disappointed.

You are in my prayers every day,

Your Dad

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