The First Place To Go (07-31-08)


My Dear Children,

The thoughts and prayers on my mind today are for you’re well being that you need not go through more pain and suffering then necessary.  We all have suffering and pain in our lives and there is a purpose for it but none of us want any more then is necessary. Pauline and I had our share of pain in the early years of our marriage and we went through more then we needed to because we did not go to the right place first.  We needed help.  We were not prepared for marriage so thing went badly very soon and we did not know how to help one another.  I reached the place where I carried a gun around with me and was thinking about killing myself.  The church had taught that if you committed suicide then you went to hell and I did not want to go there.  That is not the first place to go! Dear children do not consider suicide!  I think most of us come under that attack at some time in our lives.  Quickly say no, there is a better place to go.We did not want our marriage to fail but we could not make it work.  We went to friends; we went to councilors; we went to the church and to the priest.  We tried every way we could think of things only seemed to get worse.  We decided to go for separation and divorce.  I went to a lawyer to make the arrangements for separation and he set things up to see the judge to go through with this.  The evening before we were to go to judge, I sat on my living room couch very depressed.  And I just spoke to God and said, “God I have failed, I have failed as a father, as a husband, I have failed my parents, I have failed the church, I am a failure.”  I got up from the couch and walked up to the church. There was a young priest walking in front of the church.  He could see that I was very troubled and asked if he could do anything for me.  I said, “No I just want to go in the church by myself.”  He said, “Fine I will let you in and turn on a light you can stay as long as you want no one will bother you.”  I went into the church and went right up to the altar.  I lay down on my face and just cried out to God.  I said, “God if you are for real and if you will come, and heal my marriage and give me purpose and direction in my life, I will do whatever you ask.”  He came!  The spirit of God came down on me.  First my mind was touched and all the crazy thoughts and the whirlwind in my mind stopped and I had peace in my mind.  What a blessing.  Next, He touched my heart and my mixed up emotions.  My heart became still and all the pain and turmoil was gone from my heart and emotions.  Then He touched my body.  I had stomach ulcers and they were very painful.  All the pain was gone and I felt so wonderful.  Dear loved ones; the peace of God that passes all understanding is so filled with healing. I hope and pray that you all find it.  It is there for every one of you. 

 Remember what I tell you; don’t be foolish like we were and leave the best way till last. Go to Him who is able to help you.  Go there first!  Not last! 

He is waiting to help you in all things; big and small.Dear Children our love and prayers,He loves you even more,Your Father

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