Spiritual Growth #29

What am I to do?

What is the goal? I think the goal is a very important part of our spiritual journey; without a clear goal we flounder along. In the beginning of our ministry I prayed to know what our ministry was; the Lord gave me a vision of a little boy running around with a small keg under each arm; I did not have the vaguest idea what that ment. I prayed what does this mean I don’t understand what you are trying to show me. He said to me: “That is your ministry; you are a water boy, you are to give a drink of living water to anybody that is thirsty.” My response was; “that is not very important!” as time went on I realized how important a water boy is.

Maybe the goal He has given you is not important as you think it should be; is it to lowly; is the goal He has given you beneath you; instead of it being the biggest church and largest congregation in the world; does he want you to go and build a small shelter for someone that has no home. Maybe the goal He is giving you is to bring some measure of peace right in your home, church or community.

I think we all have several goals; some of these goals we set ourselves; some goals, other people try to burden us with; I think some come straight from the pit: it may be possible that you are centered in on the wrong goal and because of this you are missing the goal God has for you. Our enemy Satan can give you all kinds of goals that seem very wonderful; they are not; they only misdirect you and confuse you. 

Ask the Lord to give you a clear a vision of the goal He wants you to reach; a goal that will carry you on to the end of your life on earth and bear much fruit.   

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