Wisdom To Live By

My Dear Children,

I thought it was important to share this with you. We are not intended to be like islands on an ocean with long distances separating us. It is very important in some way or manner to share our lives with other people. The more we share and give of ourselves to others, the larger we become. The more isolated we are, the more self-centered and smaller we become. A wonderful thing happens when we give of ourselves. We increase and have more to give.

Self-centeredness is a terrible prison to be in. It is a very small prison and it seems like a very hard place to break free from. I know what it is like because I spent many years of my life there. Do not be too quick to judge a selfish and self-centered person, instead pity them. They do not realize how limited their life is.

Dear children, I know that many people run from God. Maybe some of you are doing that, thinking he wants to take something away from you. That is not the truth! He wants to give you something. He wants to increase you, making your life more abundant. I can’t help but believe that hell is a very small place and I have no desire to go to that small place.

I had a wonderful experience a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to share with you. Pauline and I were in Michigan and we stayed at our friends Jerry and Judy Doctor. We were sitting around the table talking and I told them that Pauline and I are at the best place in our lives regarding our relationship. We are functioning very well with each other, with people around us, with family, with the church and with God our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  

That night I had a dream: In the dream I am in a street with people wandering around and talking. The strange thing was there were six or eight full grown bears standing along the street. An old lady came out of a house and spoke to the bears. She said “Time to come in now, and the bears all lined up and walked into the house and the people followed right behind them. Everyone was sitting around a circle and the bears were standing around the walls and we were having a meeting. Someone over to my right began to share something, someone else to my left spoke up and said, “Why don’t you be quiet you have nothing important to say!” I spoke up and said,” We all have something important to say.” Then we were back out on the street and the dream ended.

The next day we are at the table again and I shared the dream. We were trying to understand what the dream was saying. Judy mentioned that often animals in our dreams are speaking of our emotions. We came to no understanding of the dream.

Later that day we left headed for Wisconsin and as I am driving along I am thinking of the dream. I knew the old lady was a wise old lady that spoke to the bears. All of a sudden I understood the dream. The wise old lady was wisdom. The bears were all my different emotions. The dream was confirmation of what I had told Jerry and Judy the day before. The Lord was showing me why we were functioning so well together. We had become wise and brought all our emotions under control so they were not missing up our lives anymore.

Dear children our emotions create many problems for us in our relationships. If you will allow wisdom to control your emotions your whole life will become much more stable and peaceful.

My dear loved ones, I pray that our Lord will give you understanding .   

You are in my thoughts and prayers always.

I love you,  Dad

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