Doing Great Things!

I am sure that all of you would like to do some great thing to be remembered by. For a time Pauline and I shot archery, if I remember correctly at one of the New England tournaments Pauline came in pretty close to the best. I practiced a lot, but in spite of that I never became more than average. I also liked fishing and so Pauline took up fishing too, she always managed to catch the biggest fish.  I still go fishing but I gave up trying to catch the biggest one.

Regarding writing, it would be wonderful if I could write a book that would touch millions of people all over the earth and would be remembered as one of the great books for years to come. I don’t expect it to happen. For some of you it might be a great painting or a song, for others it might be just to build the most beautiful building in the world.

What is the great thing you want to do? Maybe you have never given it much thought! Are there some people around you that are doing great things? Who are they and what are they doing? I guess I have never given it much thought until now; when we were eating lunch I asked Pauline what great thing she wanted to do? Her answer was; “That is a good question!”

I asked myself the question; “do I know anyone that has done some great things?” As I thought about this, I realized there are people that have done some great things and there are people that are great! My question is what is their motivation? Which one are you after? Do you want to do great things or be a great person?

My dear children I don’t care if you ever do great things. I pray that you will be a great person. I am reminded of a lady that used to run a restaurant in this town, I would have to describe her as somewhat crude in her actions and language, but most everyone really liked her. She had a big loud voice and boisterous.  She reminded me of Tug-boat Anne.

I believe she did go to church some and now and then we would talk about the Lord Jesus. She said: “Oh yes I believe in Jesus and pray, but I am not religious or spiritual at all I’m not a very good person.”

In my eyes she was a great person! Pauline and I were doing some music and speaking at some of the meal sites.  She was the site manger and got to know all these old people that were coming for food. She would come to us and tell us the needs of the different people that needed prayer and made sure that we prayed for them before we left.

This lady would check up on any of these folks that would not show up for food. This lady would go to their home and bring them food and make sure they were ok.

My dear children, this was a great lady doing great things. She is more of a Christian then most of us are. I hope that you do great things like she did.

Sometimes when we are trying to do great things, we become small. And when we are doing small things, we become great.

My dear children you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Your  Dad

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