Archive for September, 2011

There Is A Right Way And A Wrong Way!

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

My Dear Children,

In these eighty years of life God has given me, I have made many mistakes. I expect that if God gives me a few more years I will make some more mistakes. I like to think I have gained a little wisdom and knowledge so that I don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Some of the mistakes I made were very minor with little consequence; other mistakes I made were very serious with long lasting consequences.

I would like to pass on some of the things I have learned that I hope will benefit you. If I was to title this letter, I would title it: “There is a right way and a wrong way!”

My dear children don’t be hasty but make decisions when they need to be made. Don’t put them off! One thing you always want to do, is to think; what is the right thing to say; what is the right thing to do in this situation don’t be ruled by your emotions or by what someone else thinks you should do or not do. Think; is this the right way or the wrong way, how is this decision going to effect my future, or other peoples future. What might seem like the right thing for this moment could turn out to be the wrong thing for the future. You might think; this is the cheapest way to go; in a few days you find it was a very costly way to go. I am not speaking primarily of money; the cost may be the loss of a good job or a friend or something else of value to you.

There is another aspect of right and wrong that I need to consider where other people are involved. Am I doing right by this other person or persons?

If we don’t stop and think often we are not even aware that right and wrong is involved in our decisions and actions. Often we hear this statement; “I never thought this would happen when I made that decision.

My Dear loved ones a wonderful truth I have found; if I take a few moments in each situation and ask the question; “What is the right, what is the wrong; in this decision or action? “ You will have a knowing from the Lord; “this is the way; walk in it!’

You are all in my prayers every day.

May God bless you with health and happiness!

Your Dad

Spiritual Growth #45

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

In your spiritual journey never forget that you have an enemy waging was against you. Our enemy is not stupid. He is very intelligent.  Satan has been around for a long time. His purpose is to destroy us.  He wants to rob you of everything God has given you; your peace, your joy, and your love for one another.

(Revelations 12:17)  And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went of to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

When we are babies in Christ, many of his attacks are very obvious.  As we increase or grow up spiritually, his attacks become more and more subtle. I would encourage you to pray for spiritual discernment, you are going to need it!  He is going to attack your thought life and emotions if you do not guard them.  He is going to try to disrupt your home life, and relations with your family.

Satan will try to make you judgemental with the church, the pastor and yourself.  Refuse to become a judge! God has not called you to be a judge, you do not have enough light in your life to judge properly. Judging will injure your relationships with family and church. If you do this, you are making yourself a tool of Satan; leave the judging to God.

Satan also attacks the physical body. Keep in mind that many of our physical problems have a spiritual root.  Medicine alone will not deal with these.  We need to be knowledgeable in how to take care of these problems by prayer, laying on of hands and using the authority God has given us over spiritual things. Remember the warning in the bible in both the old and New Testament; “My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge!”

Spiritual Growth #44

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

For spiritual growth I would encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity the Lord gives you to expand your faith. We do this through numerous ways; through our speech we share our faith by telling others what God has done for us and what we believe. Sometimes our actions speak louder then any words, as we see the needs of people around us and do something about it, as we lay hands on the sick and use the authority God has given us over evil spirits. All of these things take faith.

Faith can be active or dormant. The question is, which is it? Some might say; “I believe in God!” So do the demons and they tremble in fear. I think of a statement a friend of mine often made; “We affect the world around us just by being there”; I believe that all right and that effect can be good or bad.  Jesus certainly affected the world around him in a wonderful way.

I have never given much thought to the fact that faith is a very powerful thing. You can’t see it, but it can move mountains, it moves the hand of God. Faith also can see things the natural eye cannot see. You have probable heard this statement; “That person has blind faith!” No, when you have no faith, then you are blind!

Many people are fearful. They are fearful because they are blind and in the dark. When their faith becomes active many of their fears are gone, because now they can see. Pauline is a wonderful example of this. She was terrified of death and dead people. She would run out of the room of a dead person. After she experienced the Holy Spirit, her faith became active and her fear of death was gone, she could now see.

Some Christian people have a negative affect upon their family and their own spiritual walk, because they are functioning from fear instead of faith.